Trademark service in India, contact Trademark Sarthi

Trademark is essential for every business looking protect their brand name, image, word, design or slogan. It is a means that distinguishes the business from its counterpart in the industry. Trademark registration can be done in India and International countries. For trademark service in India, Trademark Sarthi can be your one stop solution. Before you file a trademark registration application, you must conduct a trademark search to check for its availability. If available, you are eligible to apply for trademark registration of your mark. Trademark services in India involves process like trademark objection, trademark objection reply, trademark opposition, trademark opposition reply and then comes the issuance of trademark registration certificate. Trademark registration process  in India can be complicated if done without proper knowledge of the procedure. It is strictly recommended getting the trademark registration done by trademark registration experts to make the process seamless and free of errors.
Trademark registrartion services
Trademark registration service


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