trademark registration procedure

Trademark registration is the process meant to protect your investment made towards your brand or symbol. The symbol that you wish to get trademark registered has to be distinctive with respect to the goods and services offered. The mark must not be generic, offensive or any specially protected emblem. In any of the above cases, the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, will reject the application submitted for trademark registration in India. For more information
trademark service provider
Process of trademark registration


  1. Great content regarding procedures trademark registration in India such as application, objection, journal publication. Thanks for sharing.
    trademark registration in India

  2. Super post. I liked this post very well. Actually, I was looking for trademark registration companies in UAE. I hope this post will be useful for me in the future.

  3. Thanks for sharing this good content, One's work doesn't stop with trademark registration, it is necessary to renew the trademark before its expiry which can be done online using Trademark Renewal Online to make sure that our rights over our trademark is not lost.

  4. It is possible to sell, license, or transfer a trademark, just like any other intellectual property. A trademark can be transferred either through a trademark assignment or a trademark license.

  5. The blog is highly useful for the people who is willing to learn about the trademark objection reply


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